
Electrician fined $2000 for hazardous electrical error

21 February, 2022

An electrician has been fined $2000 for failing to follow kilowatt-hour meter replacement guidelines, which led to three people receiving electrical shocks.

Safety alert issued about working near powerlines after fatality

10 February, 2022

Victorians have been reminded to be aware of their surroundings when working near overhead powerlines, following the death of a man in Malvern East.

Power station charged over workplace arc flash death

10 January, 2022

A Yallourn power station has been charged with breaching the Occupational Health and Safety Act after a 2018 incident in which a worker died after being burned by an arc flash.

Bolt tensioning device enhances power worker safety at electricity plants

06 December, 2021 | Supplied by: Technofast Industries Pty Ltd

A bolt tensioning device that protects nuclear power workers by enabling groups of fasteners to be torqued or released immediately has opened doors for Aussie innovators at global electricity plants.

WA electrician, company fined $32,500 for safety breach

29 November, 2021

A WA electrical company and electrician have been fined a combined $32,500 for failing to install a key safety component in a switchboard.

Low smoke zero halogen cabling range enhances electrical and fire safety

26 November, 2021 | Supplied by: LAPP Australia Pty Ltd

Fires are devastating, but the effects of toxic smoke can be even worse in terms of corrosive smoke damage to electronic equipment in areas such as communications and data centres.

Plumbers fined for unlicensed electrical advice

04 November, 2021

Two plumbers employed by a large Perth plumbing, gas and electrical company have been fined for assessing customers' switchboards without an electrical licence.

SafeWork NSW commences solar farm safety blitz

12 October, 2021

SafeWork NSW will inspect solar farms in operation and under construction, as part of a safety campaign to ensure compliance.

Stanilite emergency and exit lighting range

09 September, 2021 | Supplied by: NHP Electrical Engineering Products Pty Ltd

The Stanilite emergency and exit lighting range is engineered to a modular design format, to promote straightforward installation and maintenance.

Industrial manslaughter charges laid after fatal electrocution

11 August, 2021

Queensland's independent Work Health and Safety Prosecutor has laid industrial manslaughter changes, following a crane-related fatal electrocution.

Look up and live: machinery around powerlines

30 July, 2021 by Marnie Williams, Commissioner and Chairperson, Energy Safe Victoria | Supplied by: Energy Safe Victoria

After an alarming spike in the number of serious incidents involving machinery hitting powerlines, ESV is pleading with operators to 'Look Up and Live'.

Electrical company fined $10K for unsupervised apprentice

25 June, 2021

An electrical company has been fined after a first-year apprentice with two months' experience was spotted working unsupervised with live equipment.

Man fined $16,000 for unlicensed electrical work

17 June, 2021

A man has been convicted and fined $16,000 for performing unlicensed electrical work between November 2018 and January 2019.

Explosive-proof LED strip lights the way in hazardous areas

07 June, 2021 | Supplied by: Mineglow

Mineglow's strip lights are specially designed for environments where fire or explosion hazards exist due to flammable gases or explosive substances.

Short film generates awareness about electrical safety

06 May, 2021

A young worker severely injured in an electrical accident is sharing his story through a film, to raise awareness of electrical safety issues in the workplace.

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