OHS salaries nudge $300,000
23 March, 2007Occupational health and safety has become one of Australia’s most lucrative career choices, according to details of a survey released at the Safety in Action Conference on Tuesday.
Scholarships to improve safety for women
13 March, 2007SafeWork SA is calling on applications for two scholarships of up to $10,000 each to improve occupational health and safety outcomes for women in South Australia.
Queensland says federal OHS could threaten worker safety
12 March, 2007The Queensland government has weighed into the OHS debate, warning that new federal government changes to workers compensation will threaten worker safety.
Victoria calls for nominations
02 March, 2007WorkSafe Victoria announced this week that nominations for its 2007 WorkSafe Awards are open.
Forklift licence scam foiled
20 February, 2007A former Victorian assessor has been fined for her involvement in a forklift licence scam.
NSW spearheads national construction campaign
01 February, 2007A campaign targeting the safety of mobile equipment in the construction industry will start next week throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Victoria seeks to reverse fatality trend
11 January, 2007WorkSafe Victoria is calling for 2007 to be ‘the year of safety’ following the second workplace death for the year.
Forklift safety training for inspectors
19 December, 2006An informal information session on forklift safety in the workplace was held recently for WorkSafe Victoria’s trainee inspectors.
OHS harmony for eastern states
15 December, 2006Australia’s eastern states have joined forces to release a harmonisation initiative designed to streamline OHS issues for businesses operating in more than one state.
New facts on FSC
14 December, 2006A range of fact sheets relating to the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner were released this week.
Ergonomic work tables
13 December, 2006Actisafe has released a range of strong, ergonomic work tables for light industrial, assembly and design office use.
'Morningitis' a real safety risk
07 December, 2006The analysis of more than 20 years of workers compensation statistics has revealed that ‘morningitis’ is a real workplace safety risk.
Workplace injury targets fall short
06 December, 2006A reduction in workplace fatalities has placed Australian workplaces ahead of the target set in the National OHS Strategy, but progress in workplace injury still falls short of the targeted 40% improvement by 2012.
Safety mentoring for small business
23 November, 2006The successful completion of a trial mentoring program to help small businesses improve workplace safety will see it expand into the manufacturing and construction industries.
ACT intervenes with manual tasks program
02 November, 2006A range of occupational health and safety intervention strategies has been launched by ACT WorkCover as part of its 2006/07 Information and Prevention Program.