ACT cracks down on asbestos management
18 September, 2007
New laws for the ACT have commenced this month for asbestos management in non-residential premises.
Victoria tightens rules on chemical usage
07 August, 2007
The Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Regulations 2007 came into force on 24 July 2007, considerably improving the framework for monitoring agricultural and veterinary chemical use in Victoria.
Orchard fined after worker is shot
30 July, 2007
SafeWork SA has warned farmers to include firearm safety in their OHS after a case before the SA Industrial Relations Court last Friday.
New asbestos safety laws in NSW
04 July, 2007
New laws came into effect on 1 July 2007 in NSW, governing asbestos removal to improve safety in homes and workplaces.
Seven hurt in factory chemical spill
25 June, 2007
Seven workers suffered chemical burns and about 160 workers were evacuated following a chemical spill at a Melbourne factory on Wednesday 20 June 2007.
Halogen-free pipe system
20 June, 2007 | Supplied by: Calair Pipe Systems Pty Ltd
CalAir Pipe Systems has formulated a halogen-free, flame-retardant version of its pipe systems. It retains all the established advantages of polymers — including good flexibility — but doesn’t lose its strength or pressure capabilities under demanding operational conditions.
$22,000 fine for 'bunny bombing' injury
15 June, 2007
A Tintinara farmer was fined $22,000 plus costs last week for a lack of safety procedures with explosives on his farm, which led to an employee losing his hand two years ago.
E-safe 2007 cancelled
12 June, 2007
The natural disaster declaration for the Hunter region and Central Coast has resulted in the cancellation of the E-Safe 2007 event, which was to be held in Parramatta this Wednesday and Thursday, 13-14 June.
Safety an issue in Victorian workplaces
12 June, 2007
The recent deaths of two men in Victorian workplaces have led to an appeal by WorkSafe for industries to review workplace safety.
IBC spill pallets
21 May, 2007 | Supplied by: Pratt Safety Systems
Standard offerings for the IBC spill solution include 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-tank indoor and outdoor models.
Working with asbestos
21 May, 2007 by Kylie Wilson-Field, Journalist
The Asbestos Disease Society of Victoria believes that almost everyone has been exposed to some asbestos fibre at some point, but for most the risk is very small. Reassuring words, but why does the mere mention of asbestos send a shiver down the spine?
Fire and gas safety system for refinery
15 May, 2007 | Supplied by: Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd
A Yokogawa ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system (SIS) will be the nucleus of a new fire and gas safety system at Shell's Clyde (NSW) refinery. The contract includes the control system, system engineering and installation and supervision
Dust collectors
19 April, 2007 | Supplied by:
Keeping things clean and saving you money - Donaldson's new Modular Baghouse dust collectors offer the perfect solution for cleaning up the industrial work environment.
Australia set to align with EU chemical standards
19 April, 2007 by Kylie Wilson-Field, Journalist
In Australia today, there is no national approach to the management and control of workplace hazardous chemicals. Codes and practices are governed by each state and territory, which makes it difficult to impose national OH&S regulations
Spill control solution
19 April, 2007 | Supplied by: OPEC Systems Pty Ltd
The Spill Control Centre enables the user to easily see and access the full contents of their spill control solution. Transpacific supplies the unit as a total service offer and supplies, replenishes and removes all absorbent products in an integrated lease program.