ASCC seeks safety experts
15 November, 2006
The ASCC is looking for health and safety experts to make up an Occupational Health and Safety Workers Compensation Expert Panel.
NHP takes over STAHL distributorship
01 November, 2006
NHP will take over the Australian distribution of the STAHL range of hazardous area equipment following an agreement between the two companies.
WA winners announced
01 November, 2006
The winners of the WA Work Safety Awards were announced by John Bowler, Minister for Employment Protection at the Safety Achievers Dinner last week.
ACT winners announced
27 October, 2006
The winners of the ACT OHS Awards were announced last night at a presentation by Industrial Relations minister Andrew Barr.
Training in 5S
19 October, 2006 | Supplied by:
The 5S system is a well-known program for managing safety, productivity and quality in the workplace. It can be applied to any industry and aims to provide financial benefits as well as improving employee morale.
NSW Safe Work Award winners announced
19 October, 2006
The winners of the 2006 WorkCover Safe Work Awards were announced last night as part of this year’s Safe Work Week activities.
Workplace dangers awareness campaign
04 October, 2006
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has launched a state-wide advertising campaign to raise awareness of the dangers in workplaces.
Premiums cut by another 5%
28 September, 2006
A further 5% reduction in workers compensation premiums for NSW will enable businesses to focus more on workplace safety, according to an Australian industry representative.
Safety conference for Perth
15 September, 2006
The theme of the fifth conference for the Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention is practical workplace solutions and it will be held in Perth from 14-15 November.
NT’s construction campaign
06 September, 2006
NT WorkSafe has adopted into regulation the National Standard for Construction Work [NOHSC:1016 2005].
Safe Work Week 2007
21 August, 2006
Safe Work Australia Week is on again in 2007 and will run from 22-28 October.
Beyond 5S - improving safety with 6S
27 July, 2006
The 5S system has been instrumental in improving productivity, quality and safety for Australia's manufacturers. Bob Carter from Improvement Tools explains how the new 6S system goes even further in ensuring safety gains
Meeting to increase workplace safety
24 April, 2006
The Australian Safety and Compensation (ASCC) met in Hobart in April 2006 to discuss ways to prevent workplace death, injury and disease; to improve workers’ compensation arrangements, and the rehabilitation and return to work of injured employees.
South Australian company takes top safety award
08 March, 2006
The South Australian-based Hardy Wine Company has taken top honours at the 2005 Safe Work Australia Awards.
Tailor-made safety systems
07 February, 2006
A recent decision of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales serves as a timely warning to employers on generic safe work method statements