Hazardous goods

Asbestos-laden water pipes pose safety challenge

22 April, 2016 | Supplied by: Air Springs Supply Pty Ltd

Australia is facing a multibillion-dollar task over the next decade to safely repair or replace asbestos-laced cement pipes in our water networks that have reached the end of their lifespan.

Ausgrid up for grabs, but bidders must commit to safe removal of asbestos: ETU

18 April, 2016

Around a thousand electrical panels containing asbestos have been installed at Ausgrid substations in NSW since 2007, but the ETU is calling on bidders for the electricity distributor to commit to the safe removal of the asbestos.

Red Lion E3 I/O module platform

23 March, 2016 | Supplied by: Control Logic Pty Ltd

Red Lion has launched the E3 I/O module platform, a high-density I/O system with hardened metal enclosures and powerful communication options for industrial applications.

New process for chemical decontamination achieves military first

18 March, 2016 | Supplied by: Scott Safety

A portable decontamination system of chemical, biological and radiological vapours, liquids and particles is achieving what Scott Safety says is a military first.

A&D Weighing EK-EP intrinsically safe weighing balances

29 January, 2016 | Supplied by: A&D Australasia Pty Ltd

A&D Weighing's EK-EP Series is a compact weighing balance that is suitable for all users who need to perform precise weight measurement in potentially hazardous environments or where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapours or liquids are present.

BOC F3VIPR high-pressure cylinders range

21 December, 2015 | Supplied by: BOC Limited

BOC has launched the F3VIPR range of high-pressure cylinders that improves productivity by eliminating hassles associated with acquiring, fitting and maintaining a separate regulator.

Science breakthrough to combat oil spills

01 December, 2015 | Supplied by: Deakin University

Deakin University scientists have manufactured a new material that absorbs oil like a sponge and which is now ready to be trialled by industry.

Automated screening of wastewater eliminates OHS hazards

13 November, 2015 | Supplied by: CST Wastewater Solutions

An automated extractor that screens wastewater in a rural NSW township not only has improved the treatment system, but also OHS hazards for operators.

UltraTech Ultra‐Containment Berm Modular Model for spills

06 October, 2015 | Supplied by: Pratt Safety Systems

UltraTech International has added the Ultra‐Containment Berm Modular Model to its spill containment solutions range.

Sundström asbestos respirator kit

01 October, 2015 | Supplied by: Safety Equipment Australia Pty Ltd

The Sundström asbestos kit from Safety Equipment Australia comprises a silicone respirator, particle filter, pre-filters and accessories, all housed in a handy kit box with a sturdy carry handle.

Detectaclean Total MDX Brushware cleaning broom

30 September, 2015 | Supplied by: Detectaclean Pty Ltd

The Detectaclean Total MDX Brushware cleaning broom from Hill Brush features metal-detectable and X-ray materials and is suitable for a variety of applications.

National plan to reduce the risk of asbestos

31 August, 2015

State and Territory Ministers have endorsed a National Plan on Asbestos Safety and Eradication.

Asbestos found in imported products

14 August, 2015 | Supplied by: WorkCover NSW

A safety alert has been released by WorkCover NSW about imported building products that contain asbestos following a recent discovery in Sydney.

Exair High Lift Reversible Drum Vac industrial vacuum cleaner

05 August, 2015 | Supplied by: Compressed Air Australia Pty Ltd

Exair's High Lift Reversible Drum Vac is suitable for the recovery of fluids such as coolant, hydraulic oils, sludge and chips, wastewater, tramp oil and liquid spills.

Enware Stinger portable berms for spills

13 July, 2015 | Supplied by: Enware Australia Pty Ltd

Enware's Stinger range of portable berms offers spill containment solutions for fuels, chemicals and hazardous liquids in construction, mining, petrochemical, energy, transport and general industrial applications.

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