Business > Associations, organisations, universities

CSIRO launches $18m project to develop worker safety tech

17 November, 2023

A collaboration between CSIRO and five universities will develop futuristic new tools and systems to keep Australians safe from harm at work.

Working in heat could damage the gut: study

10 August, 2023

Australians working in hot environments run the risk of gut damage and blood poisoning, according to a new study.

OzHelp, Monash University partner to reveal Health in Gear outcomes

24 August, 2022

OzHelp has partnered with Monash University to deliver an independent evaluation of its Health in Gear transport and logistics worker wellbeing program.

Australian university boosts infrastructure safety with new facility

08 January, 2021

The newly launched National Drop Weight Impact Testing Facility will heighten safety by assessing the behaviour of structures under severe impact loading.

Dynamic modelling: the key to suicide prevention

28 August, 2020

University of Sydney reserachers believe dynamic modelling can be used to quantify the potential mental health impact of COVID-19, to prevent rising suicide rates.

COVID-19 student-to-teacher transmissibility is limited

04 May, 2020

A report investigating the spread of coronavirus in NSW schools has found that the disease has limited transmissibility from students to teachers.

Australian mining stands united on safety against COVID-19

20 April, 2020

The country's mining sector has united on safety amid COVID-19 and "the most significant disruption to daily life since the Second World War".

Contractor relations: safety challenges of outsourcing

08 April, 2020

Outsourced relationships can lead to challenges in the management of safety, as a 2020 British research report into client firms and subcontractors reveals.

Bereaved workers need more support, research suggests

21 October, 2019

A review of scholarship from a period of more than 20 years reveals that bereaved workers often do not receive enough support when returning to work.

Apps could avoid accidents before construction starts

11 October, 2019

British empirical research released this year suggests multimedia tools could help architects 'design out' hazards ahead of construction.

Australian study has truck driver health in its sights

25 September, 2019

In stage two of a major national study, researchers from Monash University are calling on truck drivers to participate in a survey about their health.

Safety messages targeted at tradies

13 September, 2019 by Michael Blumberg*

'Target Tradies' is helping the Cancer Council and Black Dog Institute reach tradies on the job. Founder Michael Blumberg outlines the initiative.

Pack a snack for your midnight shift

28 August, 2019

New Australian research has found that a simple snack is shiftworkers' best choice for maximising alertness and productivity.

Handover tools and techniques for high-risk industries

27 August, 2019 by Natasha Doyle*

We take a look at some key handover tools and techniques identified in a recent study, which are used in energy production and other high-risk industries.

Pryme aids rescue workers in flood-hit Townsville

15 March, 2019

Keeping hydrated is important at the best of times, but never more so than when undertaking intensive rescue work.

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