Business > Training & certification

WorkCover guide for residential construction industry

15 December, 2009

A site-specific induction guide for housing industry builders was released recently by WorkCover NSW.

Safety alert for air-conditioning installation

01 December, 2009

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has issued a Safety Alert to warn installers of air-conditioning systems about the risk of working on pressurised plant.

Teachers’ resource to promote safety

06 November, 2009

The South Australian government has launched an education kit for teachers to introduce workplace safety to school children, to make them better prepared for safety in the workplace.

Gas safety training system

23 October, 2009

The BullEx Gas Trainer trainer’s system can simulate gas leaks and gas clouds without using any real gas, enabling training in a totally safe environment.

BullEx simulated gas detector training

20 October, 2009

The Gas Trainer Trainer’s System is said to have revolutionised gas detection training in Australian industry, reducing business's training impact on the environment.

Would you know how to respond to a major safety incident?

01 October, 2009 by Paul Stathis

A serious safety incident is, without fear of contradiction, a serious crisis. While the primary concern is to minimise the negative impact to injured workers, appropriate measures also need to be put in place to minimise the consequential negative impact to the company and all other stakeholders involved in the incident. While a safety incident is not a welcome experience, a degree of preparedness is essential to mitigate its effects.

‘Fall protection posters

23 September, 2009 by

A range of free educational fall protection posters has been released, aimed at raising the awareness of proper safety practices for people working at height.

What skills are needed by a ‘Return To Work’ coordinator?

01 September, 2009 by Anna Kelsey-Sugg*

The skills needed to be an effective return-to-work coordinator require maintenance. Regular training and retraining will help these individuals do the best they can to assist injured workers return to work.

How can I use my brain as PPE? - Part 2

10 August, 2009 by Cristian Sylvestre*

In the previous Safety Solutions eNewsletter, we presented key findings from research into what contributes to workers making unintentional mistakes that often lead to workplace injuries. This article follows on by presenting guidelines on how to stop yourself from making unintentional mistakes and reducing human error by using your brain as PPE.

Review of OFSC audit criteria

10 August, 2009

The OFSC is auditing its reaccreditation process for construction companies in order to simplify the process.

Manual handling course

07 August, 2009 by

The Konekt Manual Handling workshop is designed to provide practical and task-specific education on how to safely complete manual handling tasks.

Workplace first-aid training campaign

22 July, 2009

St John Ambulance is undertaking a Victoria-wide workplace first-aid training and awareness program.

How can I use my brain as PPE? Part 1

13 July, 2009 by Cristian Sylvestre*

Although human error is a part of everyday life, many industries seem to be reluctant to look at reducing the unintentional mistakes people make that can cause injuries. The more popular approach seems to be trying ‘fix’ the problems instead.

Equipment manufacturer fined for providing confusing information

26 June, 2009

An equipment manufacturer has been convicted and fined $140,000 in a case where a worker was killed while conducting maintenance on the company's equipment because the maintenance instructions it provided were "hopelessly inadequate".

Warehouse safety training material

18 June, 2009 by

Vocam’s Warehouse Safety Training Solutions staff training material is suitable for training large numbers of staff in various remote locations, as well as for group training classes.

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