Teachers’ resource to promote safety
A new kit has been launched to help teachers prepare secondary school students in South Australia to make the transition to work safely.
Statistics show that young people are more likely to be injured at work and are often unfamiliar with workplace hazards and safety procedures, including their rights regarding working conditions.
The Teachers’ Toolbox was officially launched by the Presiding Member of the SafeWork SA Advisory Committee, Tom Phillips AM, who said: “Inexperience, and sometimes anxiety about job security, often puts young workers at greater risk of harm in the workplace. Inexperience means they can’t identify a hazard, while insecurity leaves them afraid to speak up if they see a hazard.
“We hope the Teachers' Toolbox will address that, by helping teachers fill that knowledge gap before young people start work experience or part-time jobs.”
The kit can be used either as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with other planned lessons and features a range of materials to ensure young people are properly informed about their rights and responsibilities regarding their safety at work.
It was developed by SafeWork SA with the assistance of the Department of Education and Children’s Services’ Futures Connect Program. Several experienced teachers were also consulted and contributed some of their successful lesson plans and activities.
“This is a good example of a resource developed for teachers by teachers with tried and tested materials,” Phillips added. “Sections of the Toolbox have already been trialled in schools, with good responses from the teachers and students involved in those sessions.
“Appropriately, the Teachers Toolbox aligns with, and complements, other resources available to students and young workers such as the Passport to Safety learning and test program, for high school students about to enter work or work experience, and the Youth@Work website.”
The kit features teaching notes, case studies, student activities and videos.
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