Industry News
Prioritising worker wellbeing to prevent illness and injury
The Workplace Health & Safety Show aims to help employers effectively develop workplace wellbeing programs to support worker mental health. [ + ]
More funding for early detection of silicosis
Monash University has received a funding boost for research projects related to the early screening and detection of silicosis. [ + ]
Nominations open for 2023 WorkSafe Awards
Now in their 34th year, the WorkSafe Awards recognise the achievements of those who have contributed to reducing workplace harm or improving outcomes for injured workers. [ + ]
Silica dust exposure sees quarry fined $180K
A $180,000 fine and conviction has been issued to the operator of a Montrose quarry, following the exposure of workers to respirable crystalline silica. [ + ]
The importance of first aid training in workplace safety
First aid training has been highlighted as a key part of workplace safety, following the release of a 10-year government injury and fatality reduction strategy. [ + ]
Employers urged to be wary of crush injuries in the workplace
WorkSafe Victoria is calling on employers to address the risk of crush injuries in the workplace, after eight people died in workplace crush incidents in 2022. [ + ]
Qld takes steps to further support worker safety
The Queensland Government has accepted all 31 recommendations of a review into the Work Health and Safety Act and taken steps to manage silica dust in construction and manufacturing. [ + ]
Partial finger amputation leads to $50K fine for Vic water corporation
A Victorian utlity company has been fined after a worker sustained serious hand injuries while cleaning part of a wastewater management system. [ + ]
Theme revealed for National Safe Work Month 2023
Safe Work Australia has released the theme and campaign kit for National Safe Work Month, taking place in October 2023. [ + ]
Construction workers urged to stand down for fall safety
Construction workers are encouraged to participate in the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, through talks, training and other activities. [ + ]
Blitz highlights safety issues along Vic, NSW border
Inspectors from WorkSafe Victoria and SafeWork NSW have visited construction sites in Albury and Wodonga to boost workplace safety. [ + ]
WA Govt continues to tackle sexual harassment in mining
The WA Government is continuing its efforts to eliminate sexual harassment in the mining sector, with the Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety Program launching new initiatives. [ + ]
MTAA voices support for National Electric Vehicle Strategy
The Motor Trades Association of Australia has welcomed the National Electric Vehicle Strategy, which aims to incentivise consumers to use more fuel-efficient vehicles. [ + ]
Report released following inquiry into WA agriculture sector
WorkSafe independent inquirer Pam Scott has released her report into agricultural safety in Western Australia, with eight recommendations to improve safety. [ + ]
Queensland rail operator charged over fatal crash
Queensland Rail has been formally accused of neglecting health and safety obligations, resulting in death, after a worker died in a coal train crash in 2021. [ + ]