Meeting to increase workplace safety
The Australian Safety and Compensation (ASCC) met in Hobart in April 2006 to discuss ways to prevent workplace death, injury and disease; to improve workers' compensation arrangements, and the rehabilitation and return to work of injured employees.
On the agenda was Australia's aim to have the lowest rate of work-related traumatic fatalities in the world by 2009.
The ASCC announced its first national standard since its establishment in October 2005, the OHS "˜National Standard for Licensing Persons Performing High Risk Work', the standard will cover about 130 000 workers who apply for licences annually.
The Council also agreed to publish a national "˜Guideline on Principles of Safe Design for Work' which will assist in raising awareness of the importance of safe design and how it can be achieved.
This year Safe Work Australia Week will be held nationally on 22-28 October. The week is designed to showcase the importance and commitment to safety by governments, employers and employees.
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