Call for comment open on WA electricity code
The Western Australian Work Health and Safety Commission is seeking public comment on a new draft code of practice on managing electrical risks in the workplace. The code aims to help persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) manage electrical risks in the workplace and applies to all workplaces where a PCBU has management or control of electrical equipment, including electrical installations.
It also provides guidance on the risk management process, specific electrical hazards and controls, working de-energised, working near energised electrical parts, working in roof spaces, tools and equipment, high-voltage electrical work and electricity in mines. While the code will provide general guidance to help PCBUs meet their obligations under the WHS Act, electrical work is covered under the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 (ELR) and regulated by Building and Energy.
PCBUs or workers conducting electrical work must comply with the requirements of the ELR and the guidance material developed by Building and Energy. The code aims to promote practical preventive strategies to improve the working environment of Western Australians.
Public comment on the draft code of practice will be open until 5.00 pm WST on Friday, 3 November 2023. The draft code of practice on managing electrical risks in the workplace is available here, along with a feedback template that can be used to submit comments to
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