Active Environmental Solutions (AES) has launched Reactec’s R-Link smart watch across Australia. Designed and manufactured in the UK, the smart watch brings together workplace wearable technology and cloud-based Reactec Analytics software to help organisations prevent risks across a range of sectors including construction, rail, ports and mining.
The wearable device is designed to help employers to understand, monitor and mitigate exposure to vibration and the risk from dangerous proximity to moving vehicles in operating environments.
AES’s range of safety sensing technologies for harsh operating environments uses on-person monitors and software solutions to measure air quality, noise, silica dust, heat, radiation, light and exposure to vibration.
The smart watch protects teams from immediate site safety hazards, such as collisions involving people and plant, and also long-term health risks like hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS).
Phone: 03 9464 2300
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