Workplace Relations Ministers' Council update

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009

The 80th meeting of the Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council (WRMC) held early April resulted in substantial progress towards a national workplace relations system for the private sector and harmonised OHS arrangements.

From the communiqué released by the WRMC, below is an update on matters relating to OHS matters.

The Ministers agreed to a process to prioritise the consideration of International Labour Organisation conventions for ratification. Several conventions such as the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and the Protocol 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 (Protocol 155) were identified as priorities.

When briefed on the findings of the Wilcox Review, the Ministers agreed to ask the Commonwealth/State High Level Officials’ Group to meet to discuss Wilcox’s recommendations and his recommended revision of the Australian Government Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry (the Code).

In an important next step in the process of OHS harmonisation, the Ministers agreed that the Safe Work Australia Council should commence developing the model OHS Act in order to provide an exposure draft of the Act in August. They agreed to resolve any outstanding policy issues in May.

The Ministers noted the establishment of the Council of Safe Work Australia and the consequential abolition of its predecessor, the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC), with the council likely to meet for the first time late April.

The ASCC reported on its by the on its Business Plan 2007–2008 and the annual report on progress under the National OHS Strategy 2002–2012, which was endorsed by the Ministers.

The Ministers also agreed to publish the Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail, 3rd Edition and acknowledged that the Safe Work Australia Council would consider the issue of having nationally consistent explosives legislation and oversee the related work of the Australian Forum of Explosives Regulators.

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