WA winners announced

Wednesday, 01 November, 2006

The winners of the WA Work Safety Awards were announced by John Bowler, Minister for Employment Protection at the Safety Achievers Dinner last week.

This year is the first time the Work Safety Awards have been presented in WA, WorkSafe spokesperson, Caroline De Vaney told Safety Solutions. The winners of the awards have automatically been entered into the national Safe Work Australia Awards.

"These awards provide the opportunity for innovative Western Australians to gain national recognition fort their achievements," WorkSafe WA Commissioner, Nina Lyhne said.

"They recognise outstanding occupational health and safety health management, solutions and innovation in WA workplaces that reduce the risk of work-related injury and disease.

"Awards such as these are all about encouraging best practice in safety and health, and the three winners are leading the way by making a significant contribution to reducing the injury toll in workplaces."

The entrants were short-listed by a panel comprising industry, union and government representatives. The workplace of the short-listed entrants may then be visited by one or more members of the judging panel.

Best workplace safety and health management system:
Winner " Ausclad Group of Companies

Best solution to an identified workplace safety or health issue:
Winner " Royal Perth Hospital's Sir George Bedbrook Spinal Unit

Best workplace safety and health practices in small business:
Winner " PW & CJ Bradford

The winners of the national awards will be announced early 2007.

Carmen Li, Journalist

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