Delivering best practice for workers' mental health

Monday, 23 January, 2023 | Supplied by: OzHelp Foundation

Delivering best practice for workers' mental health

Since January 2021, the OzHelp Foundation (OzHelp) has been delivering its Health in Gear (HiG) program to transport and logistics workers all throughout Australia.

Developed in collaboration with truck drivers and the transport community, the HiG program was created to support the health and wellbeing of transport and logistics workers on the job and at home, focusing on the health and wellbeing of workers and their families. Nationally, truck drivers represent the second highest occupational group, after construction workers, at risk of suicide.

Throughout 2022, OzHelp partnered with Coles Group (Coles) to deliver the HiG program for Coles’ inbound, primary and receiving drivers, reaching over 300 inbound drivers.

The partnership between OzHelp’s Health in Gear program and Coles speaks to the Coles vision for its 2021 Sustainability Strategy, through creating safer choices and greater places to work through innovative partnerships. The Health in Gear program visited six locations, connecting with 332 drivers, of which 235 undertook a health screen.

The delivery consisted of Truckie Tune-Ups and access to 24/7 support and free counselling. Insights gathered through the rollout from participants will be shared with Coles to help further understand the challenges drivers are facing and how to best support them into the future.

The HiG program is delivered through funding from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative, the Australian Government Department of Health and OzHelp, with additional support from OzHelp's corporate partners.

Transport and logistics workers and their families can access free counselling and 24/7 phone support by calling 1800 IN GEAR (1800 464 327).

For 24/7 crisis support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Health in Gear 2021–2022 program highlights:

  • Connected with 1124 drivers, with 656 completing a Truckie Tune-Up.
  • Implemented a 24/7 phone support line for workers and their families.
  • Delivered the Health in Gear program to 20 locations around Australia.
  • 614 support phone calls conducted with transport and logistics workers.
  • 32,000+ individuals connected with HiG’s services, information, tools and awareness campaigns.

For more information, visit

Phone: 02 6251 4166
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