SIA's '30 Days of OHS' campaign launched

Thursday, 06 October, 2011

A Safety Institute of Australia initiative - 30 Days of OHS - was launched 10 October, promoting free health and safety industry insights and knowledge sharing amongst peers and establishing a foundation for continued online networking and idea generation.

Newly appointed SIA Chief Executive Officer Keith Brown said that 30 Days of OHS is the first initiative of its kind in the health and safety industry and will provide members and non-members with valuable information that builds on the current resources provided by the SIA. "This campaign provides a wonderful opportunity for a community of like-minded individuals to come together, collaborate, network and share resources without having to show up at the same time and place physically. Regardless of SIA membership or not, we are calling for contributors to join us in marking a new online chapter for the SIA," he said.

The 30 Days of OHS campaign will be run via micro-blogging and social media platform Twitter. Different to the existing social media platforms currently used by the SIA, does not require a subscription or membership to participate.

The SIA is calling for contributors to share their knowledge and experience with others regardless of industry, region or years of experience. Interested contributors can complete their expression of interest via

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