Free workplace safety webinar for small businesses

WorkCover NSW
Tuesday, 29 May, 2012

WorkCover NSW will be holding a webinar on 20 June from 10-11 am for small businesses and workers to help them understand the recent changes in work health and safety laws.

The webinar is part of WorkCover’s program to support NSW business, industry and workers adjust to the new laws and will cover how the new legislation applies to small business and what they need to know and consider.

“WorkCover recognises the challenges small businesses face in addressing work health and safety in their workplaces,” said the General Manager of WorkCover’s Work Health and Safety Division, John Watson.

“The webinar will provide an opportunity for small business owners and workers adjusting to the new laws to ask questions and seek clarification on how they affect their workplace.

As an added incentive, small business owners with 20 or less full-time employees may also be eligible to claim a Small Business Rebate of up to $500 towards the cost of purchasing and installing eligible safety equipment after attending the webinar.

All webinar participants must pre-register at:

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